Friday, July 24, 2009

Road trip up north

This is riding behind Steve and Rogene.

This is what it is like on the back of a Harley.

We went up north for 2 days. Had a nice time finding new bars, some good and some well lets say you need to order a bottle of beer only. We stayed overnight in Minocqua. It ended way too fast.............

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Oh Canada!!!

We were gone to Canada last week. Here are some pics. We drove around Lake Superior. This is Bond Falls in upper Michigan near Watersmet.
Split Rock Lighthouse in northern Minnesota near Two Harbors.

Here is Jerry at Old Fort William in Thunder Bay, Canada.

Then we went to Kakabeka Falls.

This is the Sleeping Giant in Thunder Bay. It is a peninsula and we also drove on it to the end.

We saw 8 bear at the dump in Wawa.
We didn't see any moose but we had great weather. Only rained on and off one day. Jerry and I had done this once before we were married with our families more than 30 years ago.
Very nice time to get away.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Here's the float

Here are float pics. The 2 top ones are before the parade.

These next two are during the parade. We handed out 700 freeze pops and ran out the last half of block. Sorry kids! Next year we could have 1,000 of them. No word yet on if we won anything. I saw two of the judges during the parade and I bribed them each with a freeze pop. I told them what I was doing and they laughed and said it was a good idea. Hope it helped.

We will be gone for a few days on vacation next week. So I will be offline for awhile. Last Wednesday I went to the Botanical garden with Bonnie and Sue. I have many beautiful pics of flowers but don't have time to share right now. Later.................

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Last night our snowmobile club worked on it's first float (first float since I've been a member) for the 4th of July parade in Gillett. It's taking shape pretty good. I think it will look nice when we're done. It's like a real float, not just a vehicle decorated. We are handing out freeze pops to the kids so I have been separating them and putting in the freezer. A few more boxes to go. One more night of doing the sign and the float will be ready to go except for the last minute decorations in the parking lot before the parade. We have to wash the Jeep too. I will have pics next time. 4th of July is my favorite holiday. Have a great 4th!