Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Last night our snowmobile club worked on it's first float (first float since I've been a member) for the 4th of July parade in Gillett. It's taking shape pretty good. I think it will look nice when we're done. It's like a real float, not just a vehicle decorated. We are handing out freeze pops to the kids so I have been separating them and putting in the freezer. A few more boxes to go. One more night of doing the sign and the float will be ready to go except for the last minute decorations in the parking lot before the parade. We have to wash the Jeep too. I will have pics next time. 4th of July is my favorite holiday. Have a great 4th!


  1. Take pictures !! I can't wait to see what it looks like.......wish we could be here but you know how that works. With a little luck Terry will be back for the 18th. Looks like his plane gets in at 11am. YEAH!! Have fun on the 4th.

  2. Pictures, I want pictures...........I had to miss it. Dang! Did we win any prizes? Had so much fun in SD that it was hard to think of what we were missing! Terry leaves in the morning but should be back for the steak fry>.......... yeah Tippy!
