A day early, I know but I won't have time tomorrow. Busy as ever around here with planting corn. The barn is being white washed as I type this. As it is a rainy day today I don't think any corn will be planted today. Jerry only has about 20 acres to go and he's done. Yea! Tomorrow Jerry's Mom is having us over the dinner. I am making a new trifle recipe I found. It's called peaches and cream. It has peach schnapps in it. Jerry's Mom likes fuzzy navels so I thought, why not try it. I will let you know how yummy it was. Other than that not much going on except work, work, work! I went to church this morning to put 8 dozen carnations in vases for tomorrow. Then we hand them out to the ladies after church. I moved 3 more calves this morning all by myself which can be somewhat of a challenge. These are weaned calves that have a mind of their own now and really don't think of me as their Mom anymore. They don't want to suck my fingers and just follow me like the little ones. But I made it. Calf count 3 milk and 3 water, it's great!
All mothers are working mothers. ~Author Unknown
I need the recipe for that trifle..........it sounds awesome!!